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WSJ Poll: Swing Voters Like Trump

Over the last three weeks, Joe Biden has been spiraling downward.

Everyone thought the DNC would give him a bump, but it seems like it is helping Trump more than Biden!

A new Wall Street Journal poll pretty much backs that up, showing that swing voters who consider themselves “in play” in the upcoming election are now supporting Donald Trump in the election.

Swing Voters are In Play for Trump

The WSJ reported, “These voters as a group have characteristics that suggest they are open to Mr. Trump and his party.

“Some 22% have a positive image of Mr. Trump, while only 11% have a positive image of Mr. Biden, the July poll found.

“They prefer a candidate who will confront the Washington establishment, a hallmark of Mr. Trump’s pitch to voters, over one who makes an appeal based on competence and compassion, key themes during the Democratic convention.

“In addition, these voters want Republicans to lead the next Congress rather than Democrats, 42% to 25%.”

Polls are far from perfect, as I have stated many times, but we look at the trend, and the trend right now clearly has Trump on a major upswing and Joe Biden struggling to hold on.

You can read the full report on NewsMax.

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