John Bolton, Trump’s former National Security Adviser, got hit with some pretty bad news this week.
Even though his new book has been sent to warehouses for distribution, the White House has informed him the transcript still contains classified information.
Sorry, John
John Bolton and the White House have been feuding over the release of Bolton’s book, “The Room Where It Happened.”
The book is now scheduled to be released on June 23, but the White House wants Bolton to pump the brakes just a bit on that.
Bolton’s attorney has been informed by White House counsel that his book still has information within the book that could be deemed a security threat if the book is released to the public in its current form.
John Eisenberg, a deputy White House counsel, submitted a letter to Bolton attorney stating, “As we advised your client when he signed the nondisclosure agreements, and as he should be well aware as a former assistant to the president for national security affairs in this administration, the unauthorized disclosure of classified information could be exploited by a foreign power, thereby causing significant harm to the national security of the United States.”
During Trump’s impeachment trial, Democrats wanted to get Bolton on the stand but the President blocked him from doing so citing national security.
Trump, at the time, stated, “He knows some of my thoughts. He knows what I think about leaders.
“What happens if he reveals what I think about a certain leader, and it’s not very positive, and then I have to deal on behalf of the country?
“It’s going to be very hard. It’s going to make the job very hard.
“He knows other things, and I don’t know if we left on the best of terms.”
Bolton’s book has already been delayed twice, delays that Bolton is saying are blatant attempts to censor him.
This has become a bit of hot potato in terms of debate among pundits who on one hand are saying the American people deserve transparency while others say the constant flow of public officials who leave office and do “tell-all” books to make a quick buck needs to stop.
Source: Washington Examiner
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