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Ultimate Trolling: Biden Parody Website Outranking REAL Biden Website

Biden should be firing his entire marketing team right now for allowing something like this to happen.

An anti-Biden trolling/parody website under the domain is actually outranking the official website of the presidential candidate on Google…, joe biden troll, joe biden website

Bad Marketing

In this day and age, online marketing and social media are everything.

Donald Trump proved that when he won the 2016 presidential election.

While his opponents in both the primary and general election were spending tens of millions in online marketing, Trump made Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram videos.

The campaign also posted videos on YouTube that dominated the rankings.

Point being, for a presidential candidate to be duped and to allow a parody account to get ahead of the campaign, well, that is just embarrassing.

In this case, it is really embarrassing, because the website posts numerous pictures of Biden getting a little too cozy with wives and daughters at various events.

It is also packed with some of the more embarrassing and potentially damaging quotes provided by Biden himself, such as, “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.”

The comment was made about Obama, but many have taken it to mean Biden thought most black mean were NOT articulate, NOT bright and clean, and NOT good looking.

The website also posts several of the liberal causes Biden has attacked throughout this career, such as gay marriage and being for mass incarceration.

How Long Can It Last?

Now, I am not sure how familiar you folks are with the Google algorithm, but traffic does play a significant role in it.

Eventually, Joe Biden’s official site will take over the top spot, but this website is clearly not going anywhere anytime soon.

Even after Biden’s official site takes over the top ranking, this website will remain atop the rankings and in the mix.

The damaging thing for Biden is voters on the bubble are actually going to get to learn about the real Joe Biden when they go to this site rather than the recreated Joe Biden on the campaign trail today.

Biden’s campaign is clearly behind the eight ball on this one and they better get their game sharpened up soon or this one page will do significant harm to the campaign.

They should have had the first page of Google packed with Biden social media accounts, videos, and pro-Biden websites by now, but they don’t.

Compare that to a search for “Donald Trump Website,” where all you see is official Trump sites, donation pages, social media, etc.

The sad thing for Biden is the website owner apparently never spent a dime on the page in terms of marketing other than paying for the domain itself, which immediately brings up the question as to why this domain was even available in the first place.

To see the website for yourself, visit www.JoeBiden.Info.

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