CNN’s Chris Cuomo has been one of the biggest voices against Donald Trump.
He criticizes Trump for getting the virus, but he caught it. He also criticizes Trump regarding the wearing of a mask, which is the focus of the Tucker Carlson report.
As it turns out, Cuomo is not the mask-wearing zealot he pretends to be.
During a recent Tucker Carlson report, he noted a letter by Cuomo’s building superintendent chastising Cuomo for NOT wearing a mask.
It stated, “Dear Mr. Cuomo, As I am sure you know, because of the ongoing COVID-19 health crisis, on April 15, 2020 Governor Cuomo issued Executive Order 202.17, which requires anyone over the age [of] two to wear a face mask or cloth that covers their mouth and nose while in a public space.
“You have been observed entering and exiting the building and riding the elevator without the required face coverings.
“Even though staff members have asked you to comply with this requirement, you have refused to do so.
“This is a violation of the Executive Order, building policy, and places other residents and our staff at risk.
“There are no exceptions to this rule, and you are required to comply.”
Cuomo has also reportedly been seen in public smoking cigars, which is rather odd considering he complains that he still suffers the aftereffects of the virus, most notably breathing issues.
Even more interesting is that Cuomo is the brother of the governor of the state of New York, so he is both defying and mocking his brother’s orders with this conduct.
If the governor’s own brother doesn’t believe in following the rules, why should anyone else, right?
Source: The Blaze
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