The stunts by CNN’s Jim Acosta continue and President Trump is having none of it.
Acosta decided to hit Trump on Russian interference and the replacement of his acting national intelligence chief… and Trump crushed him on both topics.
Russian Interference
You would have to think that after several outlets took it on the chin regarding Russian collusion 2.0, Acosta would have avoided the subject.
This should have been especially true since CNN was one of the first networks to rescind the report.
Instead, Acosta grandstanded again and asked Trump if he would accept help from a foreign country.
Trump lit him up, stating, “First of all, I want no help from any country, and I haven’t been given help from any country.
“If you see what CNN, your wonderful network said, I guess they apologized in a way.
“Didn’t they apologize for the fact that they said certain things that weren’t true?
“Tell me, what was their apology yesterday? What did they say?”
Rather than admitting the mistake, Acosta took another shot at Trump, stating, “Mr. President, I think our record on delivering the truth is a lot better than yours sometimes.”
Trump immediately struck back, stating, “Your record is so bad that you ought to be ashamed of yourself. You have probably the worst record in the history of broadcasting.”
Acosta was also called out by journalists up and down the aisle for his antics, with this being typical of what we are seeing…
Jim @Acosta calling the president a liar to his face in front of a foreign audience on the basis of nothing is a bad look. He came all the way around the world to make a jerk out of himself
— Joel Pollak (@joelpollak) February 25, 2020
Round 1 to Trump.
The Purge
Acosta also addressed the issue of Maguire being replaced by Grenell.
Trump once again crushed him, pointing out that Maguire had to be relieved as of March 11 anyway due to statute limitations on an acting cabinet position.
Acosta still refused to back down, going after Trump again, accusing Trump of firing Maguire because he was not loyal enough.
Trump responded, “No, not at all.”
Round 2 and KO to Trump.
This, as you can see, was not about asking a question to get some answers, it was about trying to embarrass Trump on an international stage.
Quite frankly, it was a disgrace and, thankfully, most people see it for exactly what it was, a headline grab and publicity stunt for Acosta.
If Trump has his credentials revoked again, I don’t think anyone would blame him.
Source: Fox News
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