The polls say that Joe Biden is dominating Trump and he may not be able to win anything except perennial red states come November.
One of the states expected to go blue from red is Pennsylvania, but you would never have known that from the crowd at a recent Joe Biden event.
Four More Years
Joe Biden was making a campaign stop in Lancaster, PA on Thursday, but it looked a lot more like Trump was the one showing up.
Trump supporters flocked to the location, shouting “Four more years!” and “U-S-A!”
At one point, a massive semi-truck showed up painted in the colors of the Trump-Pence campaign…
The Pro-Trump supporters outside of Joe Biden’s Lancaster, PA event have been joined by a truck.
— Pat Ward (@WardDPatrick) June 25, 2020
Yet Another Biden Gaffe
When Biden did arrive, he managed to offer more false narratives, twisting of Trump’s words, as well as a patented Biden gaffe.
First, the campaign blocked local media outlets from access to Biden.
According to the Fox News report, only WGAL-TV was able to speak with Biden, with the local newspaper having been shut out completely.
Biden started to press the dismantling of Obamacare by Trump, something his campaign had already said it was going to focus on leading up the election.
Biden also hit Trump on testing, stating, “He called testing, quote, a double-edge sword.
“Let’s be crystal clear about what he means by that.
“Testing unequivocally saves lives and widespread testing is the key to opening our economy. That’s one edge of the sword.
“The other edge, he thinks that finding out that more Americans are sick will make him look bad.”
That is not exactly correct, as Trump has stated repeatedly that more testing obviously means more positive cases, but Democrats are using the positive cases against him, which is the double edge to which Trump referred.
For the record, the administration is not and will not be cutting back on tests, it will be increasing testing, even though Dems will continue to use the testing numbers against Trump for his re-election.
Last, but certainly not least, is the Biden gaffe.
Once again, Joe seemed to get his numbers crossed, saying that we have lost 120 million people to COVID-19, an amount that would equal about 33 percent of the country (the real number is more than 120,000).
Joe Biden just said, "Now we have OVER 120 MILLION dead from COVID."
— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) June 25, 2020
This is the Joe Biden the Trump campaign needs Americans to see if Trump can revere the polling and expect to win in November.
Source: Fox News
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