The amount of misinformation and pure speculation by both the media and Democrat presidential candidates that have been used to attack this administration is shocking.
Over the last several days, though, much of this has been cleared up, explaining everything from the lack of testing kits to how effective the travel restrictions put in place really were.
This information is coming from medical and health experts, the very people fighting this pandemic.
Setting the Record Straight on the Testing Kits
On Sunday night, Joe Biden claimed this administration turned down coronavirus testing kits from the World Health Organization. He also stated he would have accepted them and put them into play right away.
Today, Admiral Giroir and Dr. Deborah Birx, both members of the coronavirus tasked force, added significant clarity on this topic.
First, coronavirus testing kits were neither offered nor refused. The testing kits made available by the WHO were general testing kits that had not been approved for use here in the United States.
In terms of the delay of testing kits, it was important to ensure the testing kit created was accurate, as the kits being used by other countries early on were offering both false positives and false negatives.
It took a little more time to create these kits due to the fact our health care team wanted to ensure the results were accurate.
Point being, nobody dropped the ball here. Yes, the kits were delayed, but the kits we have are for more accurate than anything else being used right now.
Slow Reaction by Trump
This could not be more false. The WHO declared a global health emergency on January 30 and Trump ordered travel shut down from China on January 31, the very next day in addition to declaring a national health emergency.
Meanwhile, the Democrats were tied up trying to push through an impeachment, basically holding our government hostage while they tried to hijack the Oval Office.
The House did not even consider hearings on the coronavirus until February 5.
Government Doing Everything It Can
Rather than me rail about this, just listen to what Dr. Fauci has to say on this topic…
We can go on and on, such as the media saying Trump calling the virus a hoax and that Trump told the governors they needed to fend for themselves, all lies.
After Dr. Fauci touched a microphone that Trump had touched, CNN tried to make it sound as though Dr. Fauci was in danger, which he immediately shut down…
And here is yet another health expert stating the job that has been done by this administration, verifying it has not missed a step…
The sad reality, though, is the lies are getting all the headlines and alt-media is getting buried, so people don’t truly realize what is going on right now in terms of how bad they are being lied to.
Keep in mind, it is the mainstream media that will be grading this administration on how it handled this crisis and for the most part, they have been lying about it all along.
When the dust settles on this, I have very little doubt the media will grade Donald Trump with an F for the handling of the crisis, even though every health and medical expert involved in the actual handling of this crisis has literally said the response by our government in preventing the spread of this pandemic is unprecedented.
Not only that, but they have also stated they now have a clear playbook on how to deal with something like this in the future specifically due to the reaction of this administration during this crisis.
Now, I am no expert, but surely does not sound like the Trump administration dropped the ball in any way, shape, or form.
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