House Majority Leader Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has finally reached his breaking point with Democrats.
He has allowed this nonsense to go on for two full weeks, but now McConnell is demanding it stop, telling Democrats “case closed” on charges of collusion between President Donald Trump and the Russians…
Back to Serious Politics
We have a lot of issues on the docket that need to be addressed.
Health care continues to be a problem in this country.
The VA still has problems that need to be fixed so our veterans are not ignored and provided with the care they deserve.
We have an infrastructure that is worse in some areas than a third-world country.
Of course, there is also the massive undertaking of illegal immigration and how it impacts this country and American citizens.
None of that is on the agenda of Democrats, though, as they would prefer to beat a dead horse.
A horse, mind you, that has been officially declared dead by the Robert Mueller investigation.
McConnell asked, “Would we finally be able to move on from partisan paralysis and breathless conspiracy theorizing?”
The answer is clearly “NO.”
Creating a Crisis
The political game we are seeing being played by Democrats these days has a rather odd purpose.
As McConnell stated, Democrats are purposely trying to create a national crisis to score political points.
The Obama administration tried to invent one by not doing anything about Russian interference and allowing this investigation to move forward in the first place.
Now that it has come up empty, Democrats refuse to give up hope of taking down this president.
When does everyone take a step back, take a breath, and say enough is enough?
For Democrats, that does not appear to be anytime soon.
McConnell had no sooner finished his speech when it was met with a rebuke by Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY).
Schumer stated, “Our leader saying let’s move on is sort of like Richard Nixon saying let’s move on at the height of the investigation into his wrongdoing.”
He would go on to call McConnell’s speech a “whitewash” and call it “entirely unconvincing.”
The sad thing is Schumer and his fellow Democrats are getting this all wrong.
We are not in the midst of an investigation into Trump, we are at the conclusion.
They had their shot and the gun exploded in their hand, but they are incapable of moving on.
Source: Fox News
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