Several days ago, a report surfaced that someone attending the CPAC event last week had tested positive for coronavirus.
Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), as it turns out, had brief contact with the individual.
As such, he has announced that he will be self-quarantining until he passes through the proper protocols to ensure he does not infect anyone just in case he did contract the virus.
Scary Days
The very nature of being a politician means that you will be shaking hands and coming into contact with individuals who may not be following protocols.
President Trump, during his town hall, addressed this very issue.
That was the scenario Senator Cruz found himself in when he unknowingly shook the hand of someone who later tested positive.
After issuing his self-quarantine, Cruz stated:
“I’m not experiencing any symptoms, and I feel fine and healthy.
“Given that the interaction was 10 days ago, that the average incubation period is 5-6 days, that the interaction was for less than a minute, and that I have no current symptoms, the medical authorities have advised me that the odds of transmission from the other individual to me were extremely low.
“The physicians further advised that testing is not effective before symptoms manifest, and my brief interaction with the individual does not meet the CDC criteria for self-quarantine.
“The medical authorities explicitly advised me that, given the above criteria, the people who have interacted with me in the 10 days since CPAC should not be concerned about potential transmission.
“Nevertheless, out of an abundance of caution, and because of how frequently I interact with my constituents as a part of my job and to give everyone peace of mind, I have decided to remain at my home in Texas this week, until a full 14 days have passed since the CPAC interaction.”
Today I released the following statement:
— Senator Ted Cruz (@SenTedCruz) March 8, 2020
Market Panic
All the fearmongering has finally paid off, as the markets have once again crashed today.
At last check, the DOW was down over 1,400 points, more than five percent on the day.
We are dangerously close to recessionary numbers right now, which is exactly what the Democrats need to defeat Trump.
This turns into a worst-case scenario for conservatives because the fear-mongering has led to panic, which has led to the market crash, which is about to lead to a recession.
They get the White House then get to take credit for when China opens back up and the recovery begins, even though it will be Trump’s trade deals that will have spurned the recovery.
This will all play out one way or another over the next few days but if the market continues to panic, election day could be a sweeping victory for Democrats, our worse possible fears coming true.
Source: NBC DFW
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