We all know the narrative that Russia wanted Trump in office, a narrative Democrats are still pushing and that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) recently suggested Putin has something big over Trump.
The narrative we never heard, though, due to recovered documents during the UBL raid being classified, is that Usama bin Laden was trying to assassinate Obama so the “totally unprepared” Biden could take over as president.
The Plot
The Navy SEALs that killed Obama recovered a treasure trove of documents.
Among those documents was a plot that targeted Obama so Joe Biden would have to take over as president.
The plan specifically called for attempts NOT to be made when Obama and Biden were traveling together because UBL wanted Biden in power.
In fact, these documents were first brought to light in March 2012 by the Washington Post, but they received little fanfare at the time.
A new Fox News report has brought them back into the headlines at the worst possible time for Joe Biden.
Bin Laden wrote, “The reason for concentrating on them is that Obama is the head of infidelity and killing him automatically will make [Vice President] Biden take over the presidency.
“Biden is totally unprepared for that post, which will lead the U.S. into a crisis. As for Petraeus, he is the man of the hour … and killing him would alter the war’s path” in Afghanistan.
He further stated, “Please ask brother Ilyas to send me the steps he has taken into that work.”
Ilyas is Ilyas Kashmiri, who was killed not long after bin Laden himself.
Kashmiri was taken out with a drone strike not long after the UBL raid took place.
Biden’s Role in bin Laden Raid
With both bin Laden dead and Kashmiri killed not long after, the assassination plot against Obama never came to fruition.
Ironically, though, this also brings to light a rather interesting decision made by Joe Biden leading up to the raid.
In January 2012, when Biden was interviewed about his role in the raid and what happened leading up to the “go, no go” call on the raid, he said he didn’t want the raid to go forward.
At the time, the New York Times reported Bided stated, “Mr. President, my suggestion is, don’t go.
“We have to do two more things to see if he’s there.'”
In that story, Biden claimed everyone except for then-Director of the CIA, Leon E. Panetta.
In 2015, Biden suddenly changed his story during an appearance in D.C., where he stated that he told Barack Obama he “should go” on the operation.
Now, I am not a conspiracy theorist but if I was, I sure could make an interesting story about why Biden didn’t want bin Laden killed, knowing what we know now regarding UBL’s plans to assassinate Obama.
Sources: Fox News, Washington Post, New York Times, Washington Examiner
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