Who was behind the idea of halting the NBA playoffs in honor of Jacob Blake?
According to a recent CNN report, NBA Players Associated President Chris Paul used his bat phone to call Obama and ask him for some advice.
The report stated, “Before NBA players decided to resume playing, National Basketball Players Association President Chris Paul reached out to Barack Obama, a person familiar with the call told CNN, and asked the former President if he would offer his counsel to a group of NBA players.
“The source also confirmed that Los Angeles Lakers star LeBron James was on the call.
“It was Paul, the source said, who organized the discussion.”
Obama’s camp confirmed this all took place, with a spokesperson stating, “As an avid basketball fan, President Obama speaks regularly with players and league officials.
“When asked, he was happy to provide advice on Wednesday night to a small group of NBA players seeking to leverage their immense platforms for good after their brave and inspiring strike in the wake of Jacob Blake’s shooting.
“They discussed establishing a social justice committee to ensure that the players’ and league’s actions this week led to sustained, meaningful engagement on criminal justice and police reform.”
You can read the full report on Breitbart.
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