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REPORT: More Than 1,000 Boats Show Up at Trump Boat Parade

The media and the polls say that Trump is going to get rocked on election day.

Open public support and excitement about the campaigns say something else, though.

A New Record!

A post on Twitter claimed that Trump supporters set a new world record when they showed up in force for a massive boat parade to show support for Trump.

Now, I do not know about this being an official world record, but I do know it is one hell of an impressive scene…

I would also keep in mind, we have NEVER seen anything like this for Joe Biden.

I have several friends from my days on the east coast that still live in shore communities, and they send me pictures like this all the time.

With the amount of Trump flags that are flying this summer and parades like this, it is just hard to fathom that Joe is going to have anything close to the runaway the media is predicting.

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