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REPORT: Kellyanne Conway to be Appointed to New Federal Post

Over the last 72 hours, Kellyanne Conway has been all over the news.

She first made headlines by telling the media that she did not see a way for Trump to go forward and that ultimately, Biden and Harris would take office.

Now, she is right back after it was leaked that Conway is about to be appointed to a new post by President Trump.

Conway is reportedly being appointed to sit on the Board of Visitors to the United States Air Force Academy.

Liberals, of course, are furious over the appointment, and there is something else that has people raising an eyebrow.

It was also reported that Conway has signed a seven-figure deal for a tell-all book about her time in the Trump administration.

There are already accusations being made that Trump could possibly be giving her this seat to ensure her book only tells the good about his administration and does not create another scandal for Trump.

Until her book comes out, this is a rumor that will surely gain more traction in the mainstream media.

You can read the full report in The Blaze.

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