In one of the most damning polls we have seen on the impact of the media in the past election, the results revealed that had the media properly reported the news during the election cycle, there is a very good chance Donald Trump would have swept every battleground state.
This goes beyond not reporting possible Joe Biden scandals to refusing to report positive news about Donald Trump, even if it would have been for the good of the nation.
Big Problems
There are three stories I want to zero in on here…
The first is the Hunter Biden scandal, a story that was completely brushed under the rug by social media and ignored by every major mainstream news outlet except for Fox News.
A total of 45.1 percent of those surveyed never heard about the story, with 9.4 percent saying they would not have voted for Joe Biden if they had heard the story.
On the flip side, 50.5 percent never knew the U.S. was now energy independent, and 36.1 had no idea what Operation Warp Speed was, with 5.8 and 5.3 of them, respectively, saying it would have swayed their vote.
Point being, had they known, Trump carries every swing state and is now waiting for his second inauguration…

What the media, Twitter, and Facebook did during this last election was far worse than anything the Dems think foreign governments have attempted to do or will try to do in the future.
There is only one reason why Trump lost this election and that is because on top of the deception by Democrats for the last five years, the mainstream media turned into state-run media and ONLY reported the stories it wanted people to hear rather than all the stories an all the truth.
Source: Newsbusters
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