Was there enough evidence of voter fraud in this election to overturn the results?
According to Director of the Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy Peter Navarro… yes, there was more than enough proof of fraud.
Director Navarro just published a massive report outlining six key areas that are believed to have impacted the outcome of the election.
The areas where this report concentrated on were outright voter fraud, ballot mishandling, contestable process fouls, equal protection clause violations, voting machine irregularities, and significant statistical anomalies.
Navarro assed that there were “patterns of election irregularities … are so consistent across the six battleground states that they suggest a coordinated strategy to, if not steal the election, strategically game the election process in such a way as to … unfairly tilt the playing field in favor of the Biden-Harris ticket.”
The report goes on to state, “Evidence used to conduct this assessment includes more than 50 lawsuits and judicial rulings, thousands of affidavits and declarations, testimony in a variety of state venues, published analyses by think tanks and legal centers, videos and photos, public comments, and extensive press coverage.”
He goes on to give examples, stating, “In Pennsylvania, for example, a statistical analysis conducted by the Trump Campaign matching voter rolls to public obituaries found what appears to be over 8,000 confirmed dead voters successfully casting mail-in ballots.
“In Georgia — underscoring the critical role any given category of election irregularities might play in determining the outcome — the estimated number of alleged deceased individuals casting votes almost exactly equals the Biden victory margin.”
The report concluded, “The ballots in question because of the identified election irregularities are more than sufficient to swing the outcome in favor of President Trump should even a relatively small portion of these ballots be ruled illegal.”
To read the full report and judge for yourself, click here.
Source: Washington Examiner
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