One of the more sickening aspects of our current political system is the lack of integrity by our sitting members of Congress.
They have proven time and time again, their views and adherence to standards only go as far as the individual occupying the Oval Office at the time.
To that point, when Clinton was being impeached, Nancy Pelosi was adamant then-President Clinton deserved an early look at the special counsel report so he could have a response ready when it was released to the public.
Today, however, she is furious the Attorney General allowed the White House to see the report prior to its release and is onboard with a Democrat movement to impeach Barr.
The Hypocrisy of Office
While gamesmanship has always been part of the political process, it probably started to really get out of hand during the Clinton presidency.
To be clear, both sides were at fault and there is more than enough blame to go around.
Republicans rightly wanted Clinton impeached and Democrats protected him at all costs.
The cost of this, however, was rules were slowly changed to benefit the party in power and the overall political process in this country was forever marred.
If we could just get a single cycle of politicians with integrity that did not lie to the American people, we just might be able to fix this.
Then and Now
In 1998, as you are about to see, Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) unleashed a furious debate over whether or not Clinton should have been able to view the special counsel report before it was released…
You don’t have to agree with her to appreciate her commitment on this issue.
Fast forward to today…
We are in an identical situation where Trump is awaiting a special counsel report and the Attorney General allowed him an advanced copy of the report to prepare his response.
Pelosi had three options here:
- Take the high road and state that even though she is against Trump, she agrees with the president getting an advance look because she argued for that very point two decades ago.
- Disagree with the advanced view solely on the fact she argued for this point in 1998 and it was dismissed by Republicans.
- Be a complete hypocrite, call out the AG for acting improperly with a bogus narrative, and completely ignore what was said in 1998.
As we all know, Pelosi chose the option with the least amount of integrity, number three.
AG Barr has confirmed the staggering partisan effort by the Trump Admin to spin public’s view of the #MuellerReport – complete with acknowledgment that the Trump team received a sneak preview. It’s more urgent than ever that Special Counsel Mueller testify before Congress.
— Nancy Pelosi (@SpeakerPelosi) April 18, 2019
More than anything else, we need to get this political system fixed.
We have politicians on both sides of the aisle that have never worked an honest job a day in their life, surely not what our Founders and Framers envisioned when they founded this democratic republic.
How much longer do the American people have to put up with this tit-for-tat politicking that is more reminiscent of a grade-school playground fight than the chambers of Congress?
Democrats have a president that is willing to bargain and has been all but begging them to come to the table in good faith to solve infrastructure, immigration, and a host of other problems we are facing right now.
The problem, though, is they simply are not willing to move forward and insist on wasting our taxpayer money with useless investigations that force this administration into a standstill.
They talk about moving forward through one side of their mouth and do everything in their power to create and extend divide out of the other side of their mouth.
This has to end and it has to end soon. The only people that can make that happen are We the People.
We must get out and vote come election day and we must vote for the politicians that are actually willing to work with this president to move the country forward.
If we lose the next battle, we will not only take a step backward, but we may just lose the majority of our freedoms in the process.
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