We have a drug problem in our country… nobody is trying to deny that fact.
As a conservative, I would say the solution would be to protect the borders to eliminate an easy flow, then offer treatments to these individuals for recovery as well as programs to help educate them to find a job and get back to a normal life.
Liberals, however, believe the solution is to provide them with a safe place to shoot up.
Philadelphia Safe Injection Zone Opening in South Philadelphia
I grew up in Philadelphia and spent most of my life there and a shore town called Sea Isle City, NJ, until I moved to the south.
Why did I leave? I had been looking for a way out of the area for years because the liberal mentality was driving me mad. When a business opportunity came along to leave the east and relocate to the south, I could not pack my bags quickly enough.
Having said that, it still saddens me to know the place where I spent my childhood has buckled to the liberal horde, turning into a sanctuary city and now a city that promotes drug use.
Simply put, you don’t enable drug addicts by making it safer and easier for them to use. You get them off the streets, you get them counseling, and you help them straighten out their lives.
Not in Philadelphia, though, as Barack Hussein Obama-appointed Judge Gerald McHugh issued a final order that opening a safe zone for heroin users in the heart of Philadelphia is okay.
The Safe Zone
The project was initiated by a nonprofit group called Safehouse and it has been celebrated by liberals and Democrats alike.
Former Governor Ed Rendell stated, “I think people misunderstand what Safehouse is. It’s a clean injection facility. We don’t handle narcotics.
“People have to bring narcotics with them. We give them clean needles, and make sure the needle they used in Safehouse is confiscated before they go out of the street.”
I don’t care how much lipstick you put on this pig, what you are essentially doing is legalizing heroin use in the city of Philadelphia.
Rendell, who is on the board for Safehouse, stated they also provide counseling to the users, but does anyone really believe this is going to be effective after you provide them with a needle and safe place to use their drugs?
What about the local community and the influx of drug addicts it is going to bring to the area, not to mention the influx of drug dealers to peddle heroin knowing users will flock to the area for a free needle?
The Safehouse facility in South Philadelphia is not the only site, either.
Now that they have the greenlight, Rendell stated, “It’s our intention to have Safehouse in a number of areas around the city.
“If all goes well we will have a facility in Kensington (as well).”
Community members in these designated areas are furious, as we would expect them to be.
Resident Jody Della Barba stated, “You cannot have drug addicts right next to children. There are five daycares in that area.”
City Councilman Mark Squilla stated, “We are really frustrated. We are angry. We are aggravated. We feel the administration needs to step up.”
That plea, however, has fallen on deaf ears.
Mayor Jim Kenney, the same mayor caught on videotape dancing in his office after proclaiming Philadelphia a sanctuary city, stated, “We applaud the Court’s affirmation of its earlier ruling that Safehouse doesn’t violate the federal statute.”
It truly is hard to fathom this is where we are as a society and even harder to understand the left side of the aisle thinks this is a good thing and the best way to fight drug addiction in this country is to enable it.
What is even more disturbing is the fact we now have a precedent and even though the Department of Justice has said it will fight it, liberal mayors across the country will more than likely jump at the opportunity to do something similar in their cities.
Source: NBC 10 Philadelphia
Update 2.28.2020-this project has been defeated after a local meeting with residents who were overwhelmingly against the project.
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