The time has come for the halls of the White House to be vacated by our beautiful and elegant First Lady.
The media and left have hated her from day one, but the right embraced her as she probably never expected.
She has been ridiculed and mocked by the party of inclusion, yet she has never said a hateful thing in serving as our First Lady.
Now, she has addressed the nation for the last time as our First Lady.
In part, she stated, “My fellow Americans, it has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as First Lady of the United States.
“As Donald and I conclude our time in the White House, I think of all of the people I have taken home in my heart and their incredible stories of love, patriotism, and determination.”
She added, “In all circumstances, I ask every American to be an ambassador of ‘Be Best.’
“To focus on what unites us. To rise above what divides us. To always choose love over hatred, peace over violence, and others before yourself.”
A Farewell Message from First Lady Melania Trump
— Melania Trump 45 Archived (@FLOTUS45) January 18, 2021
We wish you well and we will miss you, Melania.
Source: Washington Examiner
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