Ideally, once the Mueller report came out, this entire narrative would have died down and we would be able to move on.
As we know, though, Democrats are continuing to push the collusion and obstruction narrative even though Mueller never handed down an indictment on Trump on either charge.
Judge Jeanine Pirro has heard enough, now actually demanding that key players and Democrats need to be held accountable for their roles in this mess.
The Bogus Narrative
Democrats started to pitch this narrative long before Trump ever won the election.
Hillary was among the loudest crying foul about Trump and the Russians.
We now know she was doing this because the Obama administration knew the Russians had been trying to hack our elections since 2014.
For reasons yet unknown, Obama did absolutely nothing about it.
If you recall, the sanctions handed down by the White House were not even announced until December 2016, a full month after the election took place.
Time to Pay
The Mueller report originated because of the speculation about Trump and the Russians due to some opposition research that was conducted against Trump.
A mega-donor for the Republican party that did not like Trump initially ordered a dossier through Fusion GPS.
He eventually stepped away from the dossier, which was when Hillary, the DNC, and possibly even the Obama campaign, picked up the rest of the tab.
While the dossier was debunked by Comey, he still used it to secure FISA warrants.
The list of key players goes on and on, including Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), who has been telling Americans for two years there was proof of collusion.
Now, Judge Jeanine wants them all to pay for the crimes against Trump and against the people of this country…
Keep in mind, Judge Jeanine is only a couple of weeks off a suspension for her critical questions of Rep. Omar’s loyalty to our country.
In an era where the media goes out of their way to defend Democrats, it sure is refreshing to know we have someone like Judge Jeanine on the case.
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