We all know how the liberal media loves to fact-check Donald Trump in real-time but they never seem to challenge Joe Biden when he makes a statement they know to be untruthful.
Of all networks, CNN actually did fact-check Biden, albeit not in real-time, for statements he has made over the last month or so… and he failed miserably.
Fact Check Fail #1
On June 23, Biden claimed that Trump “wants to cut off money for the post office so they cannot deliver mail-in ballots.”
Trump has mandated that funding will only be given to the USPS if the organization changes its business model to become profitable.
For instance, Trump wants the USPS to raise prices on shipping so it is not losing money with priority services. He has NEVER said anything remotely close to cutting funding so mail-in balloting would not be possible.
Fact Check Fail #2
On June 11, Biden was discussing the benefits of the Republican tax cut that went into effect not long after Trump took office.
Biden stated, “Even places like the Heritage Foundation said it didn’t grow the economy.”
There are varying opinions on how beneficial these tax cuts were to the economy but Biden is, again, dead wrong in what the Heritage Foundation said about the tax cuts.
Heritage Foundation Senior Policy Analyst Adam Michel tweeted, “I think I’ve written something basically every week for the last year+ that says the tax cuts are working.”
The Executive Director of Heritage Action (Jessica Anderson), a sister organization of the Heritage Foundation, hit back against Biden’s “false claims,” stating, “the country saw increased wage growth, business investment, and employment thanks to the law.”
Fact Check Fail #3
During a June 10 town hall with the NAACP, Biden suggested he could get Democrat senators to block judicial appointments.
Biden stated, “At this point if he does that I’m going to urge the Democrats in the U.S. Senate to block the ability to have a vote on those judges.
“We only have 140-some days left to go. We are not going to let that happen.”
The fact is, Biden and the Democrats don’t have the numbers in the Senate to block any judicial appointments.
Fact Check Fail #4
On June 5, Biden claimed Hispanic unemployment numbers were up in the latest jobs report data. He claimed the rate had climbed to go over 37 percent.
Biden was wrong again here too, because Hispanic unemployment fell during that period, going from 16.7 percent to 15.1 percent.
Fact Check Fail #5
While being interviewed by Charlamagne the God, Biden claimed the NAACP endorsed him “every time” he has run for office
The NAACP debunked that lie, stating, “to clarify that the NAACP is a non-partisan organization and does not endorse candidates for political office at any level.”
Fact Check Fail #6
Biden has regularly stated that Trump has never spoken up about racism and generally accuses him of supporting white supremacy movements.
The most recent occurrence was on June 16, when Biden stated, “Well first of all, I don’t even think Trump’s even acknowledged White supremacy.”
Long before Trump ever thought of running for president, he has spoken against white supremacists.
As president, Trump has also done this. In 2017, shortly after the Charlottesville riots, Trump stated, “the KKK, neo-Nazis, White supremacists, and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans.”
In terms of systemic racism, in a June 17 Wall Street Journal article, Trump stated, “I’d like to think there is not” systemic racism, “but unfortunately, there probably is some. I would also say it’s very substantially less than it used to be.”
President Trump’s recent retweet of supporters with someone in the background yelling “white power” is not going to help Trump’s case on this, though. Trump has since deleted the RT, claiming he did not hear that in the video when he retweeted the post.
Fact Check Fail #7
On May 14, Joe Biden stated, “We had over 44, if I’m not mistaken, people from the CDC in China, in China to observe what was going on. The President brought home the vast majority of them, I think left only four in place.”
This was an interview with MSNBC and should have been corrected on the spot, but it wasn’t.,
As of December 2019, the CDC office in China still had 14 workers, not four.
Simply put, Biden lies just about every time he opens up his mouth but little is ever said about it because the mainstream media wants him in office.
Source: CNN
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