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House Panel Moves Forward, Authorizes Mueller Subpoenas

House Democrats have pushed forward with their next move to try to take out Donald Trump.

In a completely unnecessary move, the House Judiciary Committee, headed by Jerry Nadler (D-NY), the committee has authorized subpoenas for an unredacted version of the Mueller report.


This is nothing more than posturing by Democrats and everyone knows it.

Attorney General Barr has already stated that he will make the report public as soon as he can.

It is not uncommon for a report such as this to have two versions when it is released so classified information is not seen by those without a clearance.

Initially, the committee set an April 2 deadline for Barr knowing full well he could not prepare the report for them on such a short timeline.

Keep in mind, Barr has already issued a summary, but that did not give the Democrats what they wanted.

Now, they are putting national security aside in an effort to bully Barr into giving them what they want.

While the authorization has not yet been acted upon, Democrats are hanging it over Barr’s head like some type of threat.

Nadler has been very aggressive in the media and remained so after the vote was taken.

Rep. Nadler stated, “We are going to work with the AG for a short period of time and hope that he will reveal to use the entire Mueller report and all the underlying materials, and we’ll go to court to get permission to have this material.”

“But, if that doesn’t work out, in a very short order, we will issue the subpoenas,” he added.

Nadler is also acting as though he is entitled to these documents, which he is not.

Rep. Collins (R-GA) addressed this issue when talking to the media.

Collins stated, “He’s [Barr] expressly forbidden from providing grand jury materials outside the department [with] very limited exceptions.”

“Congress is not one of those exceptions and the chairman knows it,” Collins added.

The Task at Hand

In all honesty, if it only came down to the actual report, Congress would probably have it very soon.

However, their desire to see the supporting documents is a major undertaking.

Barr literally has to go through millions of documents to see what can and cannot be released.

What Nadler is doing is not politics, it is political theater.

His performance thus far would be the envy of the ancient Greeks, but this is not ancient Greece and we are not buffoons sipping on wine throwing silver coins for his performance.

Democrats are unhappy because there was no smoking gun and now they are engaging in dramatics to continue to push the narrative that Trump did something wrong.

It is despicable, plain and simple.

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