President Trump today got a huge boost of confidence as impeachment talks continue to swirl in DC.
Freshman Senator Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) recently stated she will NOT support any effort to impeach Donald Trump.
Movement Losing Steam in Senate
House Democrats are creating more and more support to impeach Trump.
At this point, virtually every presidential candidate has gotten behind the movement.
While Democrats are still unsure if they have enough support in the House to proceed, the simple fear of losing the support of the New Breed (Ocasio-Cortez. Tlaib, and Omar) has resulted in most of the candidates saying they would support the measure.
As this narrative continues, most Democrats in the House are expected to join in.
In the Senate, however, things are a bit different.
Democrats will need every vote they can muster and with Sen. Sinema already saying she will not support the measure, it will make it very difficult for Democrats to pull this off.
The Impeachment Process
If Democrats come even close to voting along party lines, they will be successful in getting the impeachment through the House.
All they need to do this is a House majority.
Once the House passes the measure, the impeachment moves to the Senate in the form of a trial.
After the “trial” is conducted, the Senate deliberates for debate and then votes on the impeachment.
However, unlike the House, a two-thirds majority is needed to uphold the House measure.
If the vote passes, the official on trial is immediately removed from office.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) already knows getting through the House is going to be tough but getting through the Senate is going to be impossible.
The ONLY chance Democrats have of making this stick is to overwhelmingly win the Senate in the 2020 elections.
In all likelihood, Pelosi will not move forward with the measure but rather allow it to simmer until after the 2020 election.
If Trump loses, it will probably just go away.
If, however, Trump wins, even if Democrats do not have the Senate, expect Pelosi to move forward with it simply to keep Trump busy with proceedings so he will have no time to actually run the country.
Source: Fox News
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