Several days ago, a major story broke that Rep. Swalwell (D-CA) fell victim to a honeypot scheme at the hands of a Chinese spy.
The FBI had to actually step in as it seemed to be clear that Swalwell was about to completely fall down the rabbit hole.
As new reports broke, we found out the spy, Fang Fang, had been sleeping with other Democrats to gain favor.
While nobody knows if Swalwell also slept with her, something that would make him even more susceptible to the Chinese, Swalwell refuses to answer the question, and Pelosi continues to support him.
Well, former congressman Trey Gowdy had quite a lot to say about that…
Gowdy stated, “He berated Jared Kushner and Donald Trump Jr. for meeting with a Russian lawyer — not dating one, meeting with one.
“And then he berates Devin Nunes for a phone call with Lev Parnas, and he calls the president an agent of Russia.
“Meanwhile, for four years, the guy is not smart enough to know he’s being played by a Chinese spy?
“That’s the best Nancy Pelosi could do? At 230 members, the best you can come up with is a former city councilman in California who’s not smart enough to know when a woman is expressing interest in you, [whether] she’s a spy?”
He later added, “Unfortunately I know him. This is the same guy that ran for president so he’s not known for his self-awareness.
“I need to hear from the FBI and the director of national intelligence. What did you all have?
“I mean, you went to a sitting member of Congress [and] said, ‘Look, you probably should not be having any new faces in your life.’ What did they tell him?
“And I don’t think Swalwell has denied having a relationship with her [suspected spy Fang Fang]. He said it was classified.
“I’ll be damned if I know what that means: All you’ve got to say is ‘I didn’t sleep with her’, Eric. That’s all you got to say.”
We should also note, save for a few exceptions, the bulk of the mainstream media has completely ignored this story.
Source: Fox News
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