Florida recently amended its state constitution to restore voting rights to felons.
Michael Bloomberg jumped all over this as an opportunity to buy votes for Joe Biden and reportedly paid the fines for 32,000 black and Hispanic felons.
Buying Votes
For Florida felons to have voting rights restored, they must pay numerous fines and fees related to their cases.
Many have considered the fines far too much, so they don’t even bother to pay them off.
With Florida up for grabs, Michael Bloomberg seems to believe that he can pay off those fines and turn the state forever blue by securing these votes for Joe Biden and future Democrats.
When you consider the state was only won by a little more than 112,000 votes in 2016, these 32,000 votes could have a huge impact on the race if they all voted Democrat.
The question, however, is if what Bloomberg is doing is even legal or a possible violation of campaign finance law.
Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody stated, “Governor DeSantis has asked that my office review recent allegations found in the enclosed September 22, 2020 Washington Post article and relevant law.
“After preliminary reviewing this limited public information and law, it appears further investigation is warranted.
“Accordingly, I request that your agencies further investigate this matter and take appropriate steps as merited.”
Florida does have a “vote selling” law already in place, making it illegal for any person who “corruptly offers to vote for or against, or to refrain from voting for or against, any candidate in any election in return for pecuniary or other benefit.”
On the surface, the Bloomberg payment would seem to be a violation of the spirit of that law, but the spirit of a law means very little these days, especially when it comes to Democrat corruption.
You can read more about this probe on Breitbart.
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