Donald Trump got some unexpected help from Dr. Fauci this week.
Going back to October, when the possibility of a vaccine before the end of the year became a reality, Democrats have been trying to undermine the safety of such a vaccine.
During a town hall in October, Joe Biden cast doubt on whether or not Americans could trust a vaccine under the Trump administration.
More recently, the new golden child of the Democrat party, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, has become completely unhinged when a vaccine and Trump are mentioned in the same sentence.
Dr. Fauci, who is no fan of Trump, dispelled this thought process during a recent COVID Task Force press conference…
Now, imagine if Fauci had been that complimentary of Trump BEFORE the election.
All I know is that it sure is amazing how his entire attitude has changed since the media handed the election to Joe Biden.
In the meantime, however, Fauci has managed to make the entire Democrat party look foolish for casting doubts about the safety of a vaccine being distributed by this administration.
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