New York Governor Cuomo has been begging for big brother to bail him out for weeks.
It turns out, though, that Cuomo has been ringing a bell that should have never been rung, at least not yet.
State, Then Federal
States are supposed to have their stockpiles for emergencies.
When their regular supply is used, they turn to their emergency stockpile while alerting the federal government help may be needed.
At that point, the federal government sends out its stockpiles as needed and starts the wheels in motion to produce more equipment to ensure that the supply chain continues as needed.
From the outset, Cuomo has been ringing the bell that New York needs more ventilators or people are going to die.
Foresight is great, but it was being portrayed that people were dying because New York had already run out of ventilators.
Not only that, but Cuomo recently stated that New York was going to be forced to use manual ventilators.
He stated, “This is the alternative if you don’t have the ventilators.
“We are actually buying these. We bought about 3,000. We’ve ordered an additional 4,000 of these bag valve masks.
“We’re even talking about training national guard people to learn how to operate this device, which is relatively simple to operate but you need a lot of people to operate this 24-hours-a day for each patient.”
Sounds dire, right? Well, think again.
Refusing to Break Out Stockpile
Trump has already sent roughly 4,000 ventilators to New York from the national stockpile.
He has also invoked the powers of the Defense Production Act (DPA) to demand manufacturers retool their plants to make more.
However, as it turns out, New York still has a stockpile of thousands of ventilators it has not even broken out yet.
After President Trump brought this to light, Cuomo stated, “Yes, they’re in a stockpile because that’s where they are supposed to be, because we don’t need them yet.
“We need them for the apex, the apex isn’t here, so we’re gathering them in a stockpile.”
He further stated, “We don’t need them today, because we’re not at capacity today, that’s why they’re not deployed because they’re not needed.”
So, let me get this straight… federal assets are now being used for the state of New York even though New York still has ventilators it has not even opened up for service yet?
Is Cuomo’s plan to use the manual ventilators before breaking out the stockpile just to provide some dramatic pictures and to take another shot at Trump?
Would it not make more sense to put your ventilators in play if they are needed and stop crying wolf while awaiting more ventilators from the federal government?
What happens if a small outbreak occurs in another part of the country and they blow through their existing supply and stockpile reserves but now can’t get ventilators because Cuomo is hoarding them?
The ONLY conclusion to make here is that Cuomo is taking an already bad situation and purposely making it look worse simply to make Trump look bad.
Listen, if someone needs assets and equipment, we need to get them to them, but don’t sit here and tell us people are dying because the government is not prepared when you still have a stockpile in your storage facilities!
We all know New York may need more, but all of that is in the works, so why is Cuomo sounding this alarm when he still has a stockpile and more are on the way?
That is the question Cuomo should be facing at press conferences but it is unlikely we will see that asked anytime soon.
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