It took Ann Coulter about three minutes after Trump announced his immigration plan to throw another jab at the President.
Within minutes of Trump unveiling a plan to welcome immigrants that can actually contribute to the country, Coulter blasted him with this tweet…
If you become VERY proficient at English, @realDonaldTrump, someday you will understand the meaning of the word "WALL."
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) May 16, 2019
C’mon Ann
Remember when Ann Coulter was an avid Trump supporter and actually predicted he would come out of the Republican fray as the victor?
She was almost laughed off the stage of “Politically Incorrect” for saying so.
While that was only about three years ago, it seems like an eon.
For the last six months or so, Coulter has been taking shot after shot at Trump, once calling him a bigger “wimp” than Bush.
The fallout happened over the lack of a border wall, as promised, and it remains her point of contention today.
We Need Reform
I am not saying I don’t have concerns over the new immigration plan, because I do, but even on the surface, it would be far better than what is happening right now.
Trump wants to move to a merit-based system that would reward immigrants that are educated, have job offers in hand or a valid business plan with financing, and are fluent in English.
Coulter doesn’t want to hear it and she wants a wall encircling the country.
Apparently, Coulter never wants to let another immigrant in, which is where I would differ with her.
My biggest problem with immigration is and always has been illegal immigration.
If we can create a system where legal immigrants are coming into the country as well as address needs the country has, that sounds far better than what we are doing now.
As stated in an article yesterday, my major concern with this plan is how it would impact current legal residents and students coming out of school or training programs.
I could not support a plan that would be allowing people into the country taking jobs away from legal residents and citizens that spent the last four or more years of their lives studying to fill a specific niche that needed workers.
Coulter is being unrealistic here and has clearly gone off the deep end.
She apparently had her moment in the spotlight on Maher’s show, but with comments such as the one today, she is becoming more and more irrelevant.
Regardless of what she says, she has to know Trump needs some cooperation from Democrats to get legislation passed.
He has had zero.
And, let’s face facts, the chance of Democrats working with him on this plan are pretty slim, so this entire conversation becomes moot.
That, of course, will not stop her from continuing her bashing, either proving her ignorance or stupidity in the process.
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