CNN anchor Don Lemon has no love for Trump or his supporters.
Lemon is now taking a different tact, though actually suggesting Trump supporters are “brainwashed.”
The Anti-Trump Network
The reveal happened when Lemon and Chris Cuomo were yucking it up on camera taking some pot shots at Trump.
Then, Lemon went off on a tangent over the reaction of Trump supporters to the Mueller report.
Lemon stated, “Are you more interested in the welfare of the country, are you more interested in the truth or facts or are you more interested in protecting the president?
“I think that’s the question not only for the people, not only for this president, not only for the people around him, but also for the people who are supporting him and that includes viewers and voters of this president and the supporters of this president.
“Which do you care about the most, protecting someone who has clearly misled you when it comes to what’s in this report, protecting them at all costs, or protecting the country and our election process?
“I think that’s a good question to ask people who are watching us tonight.”
After mocking Trump and his supporters, Lemmon then made his accusation…
“I just wonder like, are they brainwashed?
“It’s obvious that they did not read the report.
“I don’t mean to be condescending, but I think people need to hear it plainly, and distinctly.”
Well, I don’t mean to be condescending, but not that many people actually heard your remarks because ratings for CNN are in the tank, but I digress, let’s get back on point here.
Defending Trump
In this country, you are presumed innocent until proven guilty.
That is not something that has been remotely true about how Trump has been treated by today’s media.
I read the report and while I admit it was less than flattering, the end result was there was no obstruction and not enough evidence to present a case for obstruction.
The big selling point for me to defend Trump is that fact there was no original crime.
If the Russians interfered or if Trump benefited from that interference is irrelevant to this particular argument.
The only thing that matters is IF the Trump campaign worked with the Russians, and they did not, case closed.
For me, it ends there, and I am pretty sure that is where it ends for most Trump supporters.
This is not about being brainwashed but rather sticking up for what we believe and what is right.
Trump is the first president in forever that actually wants to address the problem with illegal immigration.
While there is still a LOT of work to do in regard to our veterans, the administration has openly admitted the problems and is trying to address them.
For once, we have a president that is putting the welfare of Americans over that of foreign interests, so yes, we will defend him until you actually prove he did something wrong.
When do we all get to say enough is enough and move on?
The Democrats had their shot at Trump… and they failed. Now, please, allow this man to do his job, which is to represent the will of We the People.
Source: Fox News
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