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Brett Favre and Jack Nicklaus Both Announce Trump Endorsements

Everyone that reads SPN knows we don’t put a lot of weight in endorsements, but some will have an impact on this election.

This week, two such endorsements occurred for Trump that I believe show a big trend for our President.

The Endorsements

Both golfing legend Jack Nicklaus and NFL Hall of Famer Brett Favre announced they were going to vote for Trump for president…

Both men received immediate pushback, which they had to know they were going to take, but they spoke up anyway, and that is the most important thing to take away from these endorsements.

When people like this come out to endorse Trump, they show you are not a bad or racist person for supporting this president, as Democrats continue to try to push.

This encourages more Trump supporters to openly support their president, which in turn can lead to undecided voters who may have thought Trump did not have a chance to vote for him.

As Biden excitement continues to dwindle, endorsements like this will help excitement for Trump grow, and that is exactly what we are going to need to win this election.

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