Joe Biden has done it again.
When approached about an issue and the conversation going in a direction that Joe Biden did not like, he told a Detroit autoworker that he was “full of sh**.”
Joe Loses It Again
If you want to know how we beat Joe Biden in a general election, this is it.
Anytime he is on the stump, at a rally, making an appearance, or holding a town hall, we go and we directly call him out on the issues and his platform.
Joe says just about anything he needs to on the stump in the friendly confines of his supporters.
He is not used to being fact-checked and he surely is not used to people refusing to back down against him.
When he gets hit hard on his previous stances and record, he loses it, just like he in Detroit earlier today.
When a worker at the factory told Biden he was going to take away his Second Amendment rights, Biden stated, “You’re full of sh– … I support the Second Amendment.”
Biden once again started waving his finger and pointing to intimidate the man, but he was having none of it.
The worker shot back, “You’re working for me, man.”
Now, it’s tough to hear the video, but it sounded like the worker told him that “this is not okay,” referring to Biden putting his finger in the man’s face.
After listening to the video several times, it sounds like Biden says “Don’t tell me … we can go outside if you want.”
Also, in response to the man telling Joe Biden he works for him, it sounded like Biden said, “Cut me a break, I don’t work for you.”
Not exactly what the presidential hopeful should be saying to voters on the campaign trail.
But You Appointed Beto…
The worker had to be calling out Joe Biden for appointing Beto O’Rourke as his gun czar after Beto endorsed him.
Beto is very much anti-Second Amendment and while stumping in Texas, Biden stated, “I want to make something clear – I’m gonna guarantee you, this is not the last you’re seeing of this guy – you’re gonna take care of the gun problem with me, you’re gonna be the one who leads this effort.
“I’m counting on you, I’m counting on you, we need you badly.”
Now, when Beto was on the stump, he openly encouraged gun confiscation, stating, “Hell, yes, we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47.”
Recent polling had Biden with a huge lead in Michigan, where 125 delegates are at stake.
I am honestly not sure how much this will impact Biden’s vote today, but it will surely have an impact moving forward.
We need to continue to do this to Biden, though. We have to expose him for the fraud that he is.
Show up at his events armed to the teeth with facts, especially about his family members all getting rich while he was a Senator and Vice President.
Put him on the spot and make him explain because if you do, the internet will be flooded with videos far worse than this.
Source: Fox News
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