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Biden and Sanders Contradict Medical Experts on Preventive Travel Bans

When the coronavirus first hit China, Donald Trump closed down travel to prevent the virus from spreading here due to infected travelers.

As more cases started to pop-up worldwide, more countries were added to that list.

Earlier this week, Donald Trump announced he was including 26 European countries in that ban and earlier today the UK and Ireland have been added the list.

Medical experts agree and have been consulted for these recommendations…

U.S. Surgeon General Michael Adams stated, “We knew most of the cases were coming from China and that’s why the President took an unprecedented step of making sure we restricted travel to those areas.”

Dr. Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and widely considered the leading expert on these viruses, has stated numerous times we would be far worse off right now were it not for these travel bans.

Dr. Stephen Redd of the CDC stated,  “Within weeks of identifying the outbreak … the restriction of travel from China reduced travel by 90%. I think that was a very helpful move to prevent more cases from China coming into the United States.”

Dr. Deborah Birx, who is the Coronavirus Response Coordinator, stated,  “It’s clear that the early work of the president, both with travel restrictions and the ability to quarantinehas bought us the time and space to have this task force be very effective.”

Dr. Janette Nesheiwat, Medical Director for CityMD, stated, “We still need to take precautions … we need to control the incoming cases from around the world, so we know that our President, starting tomorrow, is going to put a temporary ban on travel from Europe, and then we have to focus on containing it in the United States.”

Dr. Fauci has been asked about the travel bans on numerous occasions and he addresses it again here around the 4:15 mark of the video…

Now, these are the leading minds in their respective medical fields, all in agreement that shutting down travel prevented a quicker spread of the virus.

This thinking is what went into the cancellation of concerts, festivals, parades, and sporting events.

The less possible exposure we have, the better chance these numbers are kept to a minimum until we have a treatment.

Joe and Bernie Know Better

Biden and Sanders are trying to make Trump appear xenophobic for putting these measures in place.

In doing so, they are directly countering the advice from these medical experts.

Yet, this is what Joe Biden says…

Sanders is no better.

He is using numbers from worse-possible case scenarios when, which, due to the measures that have already been taken, there is most likely very little chance of that happening.

Experts have an A, B, C, and D model, and Sanders is choosing the D model to drive panic.

When asked about travel bans during his Fox News town hall this week, this was Sanders’ reply…

Again, completely against the statements from the leading experts in today’s medical world… all to score political points and push the racist narrative against Trump.

Here is what we have to look forward to in the upcoming days…

Now that testing is ramped up, we are going to see a significant influx in reported cases.

It would not be a surprise to see tens, if not hundreds of thousands of cases being confirmed.

We are going to have deaths, again, it would not be shocking to see tens of thousands of deaths.

When this happens, Sanders and Biden will both say “I told you so” in regard to the travel ban.

What they won’t tell you is that the numbers are far lower than they could have been because all these protective measures were put in place, including the travel bans.

Once treatment is available and the weather warms up, there will be a downturn and an eventual leveling off, as Dr. Fauci has stated.

Now, if Sanders or Biden were sitting in the Oval Office today, neither of them would have cut off travel from China or any other country that has been widely impacted by this virus.

If you think the numbers we are going to see are bad, just think about having someone in the White House that would have ignored preventive measures that would have literally made a worse-possible-case scenario come true, because that is what both of them are saying by countering the advice Trump followed when these experts told him to shut down travel.

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