Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) has been hit with yet more FEC complaints revolving around her former campaign manager and current Chief of Staff Saikat Chakrabarti.
When asked about the complaints, Rep. Ocasio-Cortez stated, “I mean, it’s conservative internet groups just filing bogus proposals.”
The Complaints
For almost a month now, FEC complaints have been getting filed against the freshman representative for various violations, including:
- “Shadowy web” of PACs to funnel additional campaign funds.
- Establishing an LLC offering below-market consulting fees.
- Chakrabarti serving on the board of several PACs while functioning as AOC’s campaign manager.
Needless to say, the complaints are catching the attention of Republicans and they are now starting to pile it on.
John Pudner, who worked on the George W. Bush campaign stated, “While I agree with everyone from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to Mark Meadows (R-NC) that Super PACs should be banned, for years I’ve noted that creating an LLC to funnel political money is worse than a Super PAC because you never learn the donors to an LLC.”
The amount of money moved around, if the complaints are true, is staggering.
In just one case, there are almost $1 million dollars that were funneled through PACs and an LLC.
Could Be Trouble
One of the PACs in question was Justice Democrats.
Up until recently, both Ocasio-Cortez and Chakrabarti were listed on the board of the organization.
After the first complaint was filed, however, the group took their names off the website as board members.
However, remember, political candidates are not supposed to have any direct interaction or provide direction to a PAC, so just being board members of contributing PAC could and should land AOC in some very troubling waters.
There is no denying the facts conservatives are the ones filing these complaints, but they are legitimate.
It would be quite ironic for the individual that has been complaining the loudest about dark money and outside interests running politicians to actually be guilty of doing that and much worse on her own.
These allegations will obviously be investigated by the FEC, which will tell the ultimate end to this story.
This is still a developing story, so we will update as needed.
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