Deep liberal pockets are starting to lose interest in helping the migrant caravans invading our southern border.
As such, Pope Francis has decided to cough up a cool half-million to help them out.
The funds will be distributed by the Peter’s Pence Collection.
Stay Out of Our Business
If you are a Catholic devoted to the Pope and the Catholic Church, you may want to look away because this is going to get ugly.
While I find no fault with anyone finding comfort in religion, I have a real bone to pick with the Catholic Church, an organization I have found to be corrupt from top to bottom.
There are surely some very good people in the church, but there are also thieves, perverts, and miscreants permeating its ranks.
The church should be more worried about patrolling its own ranks rather than financing thousand of individuals dead set on breaking the law and entering this country illegally.
Instead, Pope Francis, who had a role in covering up some of the perverted acts of his cherished flock, is sending money to help these caravans sustain themselves until they get here.
Oh, the Hypocrisy
It is actually pretty ironic a man that is held as some type of deity by his flock is preaching about breaking down walls.
The Vatican may be one of the most well-protected countries in the world.
The 100-acre complex in Italy in encircled by a 2-mile border wall.
While its “employees” work throughout the world, they have been exempt from prosecution throughout history.
Priests literally rape young boys and betray trusts, they steal from their “flock,” yet they go unpunished time and time again.
The Pope simply transfers them somewhere else rather than turn these criminals and perverts over to authorities.
Now, the Pope is conspiring and contributing to individuals destined to break the law.
He is not a leader, he is a criminal and should be treated as such.
He is a fraud perpetrating one of the biggest scams against the people of this entire world.
Mr. Jorge Mario Bergoglio, do us all a favor and stay the hell out of our business!
Source: ABC News
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