Senator Harris is jumping in the train of fighting election votes.
During her appearance on Sunday night at the NAACP Fight for Freedom Fund dinner, Harris stated, “Without voter suppression, Stacey Abrams would be the governor of Georgia. Andrew Gillum is the governor of Florida.”
Honoring Elections
Prior to the 2016 elections, Democrats made a very big deal about accepting the outcome of the election.
They did this because they thought Hillary would win and they did not want Donald Trump to make a big stink about losing.
When Hillary lost, though, it opened the floodgate to Democrats immediately questioning the integrity of elections.
During the 2018 election cycle, two of the closer races of the year were the gubernatorial races in Georgia and Florida.
In both stated, Republicans narrowly beat Democrat candidate who both happened to be African-American.
This has given Democrats a license to once again claim voter suppression as well as the race card.
It is a very nice exact for the party.
Unfortunately for Harris, her assertation is 100 false.
Abrams lost her election by more than 50,000 votes.
She did not lose because of voter suppression or anything else.
She lost because the people of Georgia did not want her as their governor.
Harris, whose campaign is now falling flat, has resorted to making outrageous claims as well as aligning herself with extremists in her party to breathe new life into her campaign, but it is not working.
This is just desperation, nothing else.
False Flags
Harris is pandering for votes and nothing else.
A recent Harvard study concluded there is no voter suppression, period.
Voter ID laws do not prevent people that want to vote from getting to the booth.
But, rather than respect election results and accept the results of the study, Democrats say the elections were stolen from them because they cannot accept losing.
Hillary Clinton has contributed to this debacle by recently claiming that even though she ran the best campaign, the election was actually stolen from her.
Andrew Gillum is making statements along the same line regarding the Florida election.
He recently stated, “Had we been able to legally count every one of those votes, not just in Florida but in Georgia, I wonder what the outcome may be.”
So, there now seems to be two results possible for any election: a Democrat wins of the election was fraudulent and Republicans cheated to win.
We are now officially dealing with children my fellow patriots… that is what represents the Democrat party today, petulant little children.
Source: The Daily Caller
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