Under President Trump, we have seen an economy grow like never before.
Democrats, however, say Trump had nothing to do with it… it was all Obama.
Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich tried to rein them all in, stating Democrats are “repeating rhetoric that’s false.”
Time to Tell the Truth
Among others, Senator Cory Booker is trying to undermine the achievements of this administration by giving Obama credit for the economic recovery this country has been making for the last two years.
Much of that recovery, however, has been credited to a tax plan put in place by Republicans that has helped create more opportunities for American workers.
Investors have stayed interested, more people are back to work, and unemployment numbers are at near-50-year lows.
Under Obama, we saw one of the worst recessions we have ever seen, but Obama blamed that on Bush.
Now, Democrats are trying to burn the other end of the candle by saying they were, in fact, responsible for what is taking place under Trump.
Unfortunately for Democrats, that is 100 percent false.
Gingrich Calls Out Dems for Lies
Gingrich went after Democrats and specifically Booker after the presidential hopeful stated, “We had a tax plan [in 2018] that was all about giving the wealthiest people more of a break.”
That claim, though, is completely false, as we have already proven (you can read that article here).
Larry Kudlow, National Economic Council Director, addressed Booker’s comments and stated, “What Mr. Booker and some others are saying is not true factually.”
Kudlow stated these were blue collar reforms that benefitted blue collar workers.
Point being, Democrats are flat out lying.
Gingrich added his two cents, stating, “I don’t’ know of any president in our lifetime that’s carried as many negative burdens from the political class as Donald Trump has.”
The lies and deceit by Democrats are only going to get worse as this election really starts to kick into gear.
The closer we get to someone getting the nod, the more vicious the lies will become.
Dig in patriots, because this is going to be one ugly battle.
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