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Liberals Lose Their Minds After NFL Player Changes Name on Back of Helmet

The NFL has decided to add racial justice messages to its sidelines and endzones.

Additionally, each team was given the opportunity to add the name of an alleged victim of police brutality to the back if their helmet

The Pittsburgh Steelers chose to add the name of Antwon Rose Jr. to their helmets…

That name was on everyone’s help except for one player… Alejandro Villanueva.

Villanueva is a veteran, so he decided to tape over Rose’s name and put the name of a fellow veteran who gave his life for our country…

Coach Tomlin supported the decision by his player, stating, “As an organization, and myself as the head coach of the organization, we’re going to support our players however they chose to participate and express themselves, or to not participate or not express themselves, as long as they do so thoughtfully and with class.”

Rose’s mother, however, chose to speak out against Villanueva for doing his own tribute.

Michelle Kenney stated, “The Pittsburgh Steelers took a team vote.

“Obviously, one person didn’t like the results, so they chose to do something different.”

She added, “I have nothing against vets and absolutely appreciate everything that they have done and continue to do for us.

“But this one person showed us exactly who he is, and obviously he didn’t approve of how the vote turned out.”

She is now out for revenge, threatening to hold the Steelers “more accountable.”

She stated, “Yes, I believe in second chances, but as we all know I believe in putting in the work and that’s how I base my collaborations.

“They came to me as a team/organization and I don’t care how good of an individual you are, if you are not a TEAM player, then maybe you are playing for the wrong team.”

Here is a report from the local media after the game…

Personally, I am glad Villanueva did what he did.

When players protested on their own prior to this issue being forced on them and fans, everyone applauded them.

Now, a player is making a stance and everyone is ripping him.

Do you know how all this could be avoided? Keep politics OUT of sports!

Players have the right to voice their own opinions and support whatever cause they want, but it should not be on the field during an event.

Just let the fans enjoy the games for what they are… entertainment.

Source: The Blaze

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