Over the last few days, Dr. Fauci has angered Democrats.
Ever since Democrats started to politicize the pandemic, they have used Dr. Fauci as the sole voice to show what direction the country should be taking, discounting everything but his word.
That was until Dr. Fauci stated kids should go back to school and we could vote safely, then they turned a deaf ear to every word he has said.
Once a vaccine is ready, Dems would prefer that we all create an Orwellian line and take the needle, but Dr. Fauci does not see that happening.
He stated, “I don’t think you’ll ever see a mandating of vaccine particularly for the general public.”
He added, “They have the right to refuse a vaccine.
“I don’t think you need a contingency plan.
“If someone refuses the vaccine in the general public, then there’s nothing you can do about that.
“You cannot force someone to take a vaccine.”
Dems are not going to like that!
You can read the full report on the Washington Examiner.
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