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Top Democrat Says She Believes Tara Reade

Even though Tara Reade, the woman who accused Joe Biden of assaulting her, has had her attorney drop her case, she still has the support of some of the top Dems in the party.

Both Rep. Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) have stated there is something to her allegations, although both will still be voting for Joe Biden, with Omar stating she flat-out believes Reade.


Ocasio-Cortez is a bit more complex than Omar but still filled with hypocrisy.

We all know if this allegation had been made against Trump, AOC would have been at the front of the pack demanding he step down from office this instant.

Biden, however, is now their only hope to defeat Trump, so AOC is being very careful about what she says.

AOC recently stated, “There have been investigative journalists that have corroborated certain aspects of her account — that is undeniable — [and] have raised questions about other aspects of her account.

She later added, “It certainly seems as though something has happened. I’m not sure.

“Frankly, this is a messy moment, and I think we need to acknowledge that — that it is not clear-cut.”

In another interview, AOC stated, “I do not feel a choice in adhering to my principles and my integrity, and being accountable to the movement that brought me here.

“But also, I don’t want another term of Trump … I’ve always said that I will support the Democratic nominee.”

Rep. Ilhan Omar

Omar has been far more open about how she feels, yet she admits that she will still vote for Joe Biden.

Omar recently stated, “I do believe Reade. Justice can be delayed but should never be denied.”

Even so, Omar further stated, that she will vote for Biden to try to help him defeat Trump.

Omar is more or less saying, and AOC to some extent, that they are willing to put an individual that would be guilty of sexual assault into the White House.

So, we have to wonder, if Omar believes Reade but is not willing to do anything about it, what is she really saying to assault victims that are thinking about coming forward?

The hypocrisy of their statements has not gone unnoticed and the entire party will continue to come under scrutiny for the different manner in which Blasey Ford and Reade have been treated by both the media and the Democrat party.

Source: Fox News, Newsweek, & The Blaze

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