Joe Biden may have just come one step closer to losing his last bid at the presidency.
Lynda LaCasse, a neighbor of Tara Reade’s in the mid-1990s, has come forward to corroborate Reade’s disturbing tale of how Biden assaulted her.
It Happened
One of the toughest things for any sexual assault victim to do is to have their story corroborated.
In a case such as the allegation made by Reade, it is even more difficult because there were no apparent physical injuries and no bodily fluids exchanged.
Had there been and had she gone to the police right away, she would have an easy case.
However, in a case such as this, it is her word against his word.
One weighty factor, however, is who the alleged victim told about the possible assault at that moment.
We believe Reade told her mother about the incident due to the recently resurfaced video of the “Larry King Live” segment where her mother called in to discuss an issue her daughter was having while working for a well-respected Senator.
Those dots have been put together to Reade and Biden, but the sexual assault itself is still up in the air… until now.
LaCasse told Business Insider that she and Reade discussed the assault not long after it happened.
She stated, “This happened, and I know it did because I remember talking about it.”
LaCasse would go on to say, “I remember her saying, here was this person that she was working for and she idolized him.
“And he kind of put her up against a wall. And he put his hand up her skirt and he put his fingers inside her.
“She felt like she was assaulted, and she really didn’t feel there was anything she could do.”
La Casse added, “She was crying. She was upset. And the more she talked about it, the more she started crying.
“I remember saying that she needed to file a police report.”
For the record, LaCasse is a lifelong Democrat and even with this hanging over Biden’s head, she stated that she would still vote for him.
That stance is confusing until you look at her social media postings, which are littered with anti-Trump comments.
Even so, she stated she came out to tell her story to support Reade simply because it was the right thing to do.
The media is going to have no choice but to address this with Biden now, something it has absolutely refused to do to this point.
Throughout last week, Joe Biden appeared on virtually every cable news network, and not a single one of them questioned him about these allegations.
Source: Business Insider
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