Powerful Democrats like Rep. Clyburn and James Carville are calling for Sanders to suspend or for the DNC to simply end the primary now that Joe Biden is firmly in the lead.
Sanders, however, has other plans, confirming that he will be moving forward and putting Joe Biden on a debate stage this weekend.
Not Giving Up
The Sanders campaign has always been about giving every voter a voice.
If nothing else, we have to give Sanders credit for always staying consistent in that message.
It is also worth noting that while Biden is the leader and the presumptive nominee, this race is far from over.
Some of the upcoming states will be far friendlier for Sanders and even when he is losing, in most states, he is still getting a considerable number of delegates.
At the very least, if Sanders cannot win the nomination, he may be able to force a brokered convention.
Oddly enough, it was Sanders early on who said whatever candidate had the most votes heading to the convention should win, so it will be interesting to see if once he is mathematically out but can still create a brokered convention, if he decides to go on or he drops out and backs Biden.
On his disappointing Tuesday night, Sanders stated, “Last night, obviously was not a good night for our campaign, from a delegate point of view.”
Then he took aim at the Biden campaign, stating, “You need to win the voters who represent the future of our country and you must speak to the issues of concern to them.
“… You cannot simply be satisfied by winning the votes of people who are older.”
Not Backing Down
Sanders seems ready to go to war with Biden during the upcoming debate as well.
He has no intention of lobbing up softballs for Joe to knock out of the park.
Sanders stated he is going to hit Biden hard on Medicare-for-All and student loan debt.
There were two notably absent issues that Sanders did not mention challenging, and that is Biden’s Iraq war vote and his mental health.
The Sunday night debate is a CNN event, a network that has been very kind to Biden in the past, so we have to wonder how tough the questions are going to be for Biden.
For instance, will they ask him about swearing at a voter in Detroit and threatening to take him “outside”?
If Sanders goes for blood, he can expose Biden for the frail old man that he is, but will he do it?
If Sanders does truly think he can’t win, he will more than likely spare Biden the embarrassment for the sake of trying to beat Donald Trump.
The irony, of course, is that Sanders would be protecting the man and the party that have done everything in their power to work against him throughout this primary.
Source: Fox News
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