The Biden family corruption is finally starting to come to the surface.
Our recent op-ed highlighted many of the dealings of the Bidens, but now these allegations are starting to surface in the mainstream media… and it’s about time.
James Biden
In our op-ed, we discussed how James Biden was brought aboard as the finance manager for Joe Biden at the age of 22.
Both he and their sister Valerie was paid handsomely by the Biden campaign.
Then, when Joe finally made it to the White House, James and Hillstone International benefitted from some construction projects the government threw his way.
Additionally, a political friend of Joe Biden’s bailed James out of some financial problems by offering him mortgage loans.
This “friend” of Joe Biden had received a $20 million loan from a government agency that enabled him to expand his business in Ukraine.
In addition to all of that, Politico is now reporting that James Biden may have been trying to lure in investors by throwing around his brother’s name.
Tom Pritchard, a former Americore Health executive, stated that James Biden was using “smoke and mirrors” to lure people into this company as well as other interests that James Biden had.
The report stated that James was telling them Joe Biden was interested in the venture when that was not the case.
New Law Suit
All this has resulted in a lawsuit being brought against James Biden and Grant White, the founder of Americore.
Medical companies in Tennessee are going after them for fraud.
While James Biden has denied any wrongdoing, reports have surfaced that White has possibly turned on Biden, offering to produce documentation that would implicate James Biden and several other individuals.
Joe Biden has not yet commented on this report.
To see the full report on Politico, click here.
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