Trump picked up a significant win on the Supreme Court this week, so much so that one Supreme Court Justice called for judicial reform.
On Friday, the Supreme Court granted the “public charge” policy enacted by Trump administration as part of its immigration reform.
The Ruling
“Public Charge” was the policy enacted by the Trump administration to help reduce the stress on public assistance programs.
In essence, before entering the country, an immigrant would have to prove they would be self-sustaining and not rely on government assistance programs to live here.
When the measure was first announced, the left side of the aisle went ballistic and the policy was immediately suspended while it played out in the courts.
After failing in the lower courts, it finally ended up in front of the Supreme Court, where it prevailed with a 5-4 vote, sending Justice Sotomayor into a tizzy.
The liberal justice is now saying this Supreme Court is guilty of doing Trump’s dirty work for him.
Sotomayor Rant
Justice Sotomayor was tasked with writing the dissent, and she went off.
The Obama appointee stated, “Claiming one emergency after another, the Government has recently sought stays in an unprecedented number of cases.
“It is hard to say what is more troubling, that the Government would seek this extraordinary relief seemingly as a matter of course, or that the Court would grant it.”
The Trump administration, however, was delighted, with Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham stating, “We are gratified by the Supreme Court ruling on Friday night lifting the final remaining injunction on the public charge regulation.
“This final rule will protect hardworking American taxpayers, safeguard welfare programs for truly needy Americans, reduce the Federal deficit, and re-establish the fundamental legal principle that newcomers to our society should be financially self-reliant and not dependent on the largess of United States taxpayers.”
This is a major blow to Democrats and a huge win for conservatives.
It also goes to show the hypocrisy in our judicial branch that rides all the way up to the Supreme Court.
In cases such as this, I can predict the outcome 99 out of 100 times simply by seeing who appointed the judge.
When it plays out in favor of liberals, Sotomayor never says a word but when it goes against liberals, well, we get a scathing dissent.
I have said this before, but it clearly needs to be said again considering Sotomayor’s comments.
This is by far the fairest and most balanced court we have had in decades, with three conservative justices that have regularly voted against ideological lines.
I don’t always support their decisions, but I respect them simply because they appear to have no bias, something I cannot say about the liberals on the Supreme Court.
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