All that unity that Democrats promised to have during this election has gone out the window with Bloomberg in the race.
We saw them all attacking each other at the debate, in the media, and it has created quite a falling out among supporters trying to figure out who can win.
The Nevada debate was so bad, even Bloomberg admitted, “Look, the real winner in the debate last night was Donald Trump.”
“Because I worry that we may very well be on our way to nominating someone who cannot win in November.
“If we choose a candidate who appears to a small base, like Sen. [Bernie] Sanders, it will be a fatal error.”
Bad Night for Mikey
There is absolutely no sugarcoating the fact that Bloomberg had a horrible night on the stage.
His entrance to the debate stage provided a singular target for every candidate to go after.
This probably saved both Biden and Sanders as well as prolonging the campaigns of Klobuchar and Warren.
Because everyone was so focused on Bloomberg, most of the attacks were aimed at the late-arriving billionaire in the race.
Bloomberg got hit on everything from being part of the problem to his racist and sexist comments made as mayor of New York and the first few years after he was out of office.
He did, however, land a few good shots himself, calling out existing Senators for failing to address ongoing problems as well as his best shot of the night, calling out Sanders for being a millionaire socialist with three homes.
As Bloomberg stated, though, the real winner here was Donald Trump because it became painfully apparent nobody on that stage has a real chance against Trump in November.
The limited shots that were taken at someone other than Bloomberg were fired at Sanders, exposing the fact that nobody in the party really supports his 100 percent socialist agenda.
Those criticisms are not only going to hurt Sanders now but they will also hurt come November.
It will be hard for anyone in this race now to endorse Sanders and be taken seriously.
If their endorsement is backed with the reasoning that they are doing so solely to defeat Trump, it is not going to convince Independents and Democrats on the fence to back Sanders.
As I have stated all along, they may not support Trump, but they will more than likely sit on the sidelines simply to avoid being responsible for putting a socialist in the White House.
And, if they do that, Trump is going to win this election in a landslide.
Source: New York Post
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