Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley has been fairly quiet after resigning her position, but she just did a cannonball into the pool.
Haley recently penned an article for Stand for America, slamming high-profile Democrats like AOC and Sanders as “celebrity politicians” and calling them out as “cowards.”
Supporting Venezuelan Leadership
The point of contention for Haley was the apparent support for the Maduro regime in Venezuela.
Condemning the man and his regime seems the obvious choice, but that is not the path this class of Democrats has taken.
Instead, they blame the United States for the problems in Venezuela rather than the man that is responsible.
Maduro literally hijacked the country during the last “election,” something people like Sanders and AOC do not even recognize as having happened.
What Maduro did would be the equivalent of Trump declaring current registered Democrats and Independent voters are no longer permitted to vote.
When Rep. Omar said the U.S. “helped lead the devastation in Venezuela,” Haley had heard enough.
.@IlhanMN the avg Venezuelan adult has lost 24 lbs. Babies have no medicine. Families have to walk miles in the heat to get the only meal they may have that day. All bc of the corrupt Maduro regime. Your comments are so far from the truth. Cuba and Russia appreciate your support.
— Nikki Haley (@NikkiHaley) May 1, 2019
In her article, Haley stated, “On the fringes of the left, celebrity politicians refuse to condemn Maduro.
“Worse, some have actually embraced him.”
Celebrity Cowards
Haley could not be more correct in stating today’s Democrats seem to be more worried about being popular than actually doing the right thing.
It seems as though every word that comes out of AOC’s mouth is purposely crafted to create a headline, be it good or bad.
It is more about getting noticed and creating “likes” than it is about protecting the American ideology.
AOC was recently asked if she thought the Maduro regime was legitimate.
This was her chance to acknowledge the fact the man stole the election.
Her response… “I defer to caucus leadership on how we navigate this.”
Since when has AOC deferred to the caucus for anything?
Sanders, Omar… they have all given similar responses because they are cowards who refuse to take a stand against a man that has ruined what was once one of the richest economies in the entire world.
I have long believed Nikki Haley was being groomed for far bigger things by Republicans when she was appointed to be the U.N. Ambassador.
I firmly believe she will become the first woman president of this country and based on what she is saying and doing at Stand for America, that belief is only becoming more and more concrete with every passing day.
You can read Nikki Haley’s full article on Stand for America.
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