Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) wasted little time in confirming our suspicions in how she would react to Trump’s new immigration plan.
Immediately after Trump unveiled the plan, Pelosi stated the proposal was “dead-on-arrival” in the House.
She further stated that it was “not a remotely serious proposal.”
Trump’s Plan
The new immigration plan unveiled by Trump was, as promised, a dramatic change from current policy.
First and foremost, the lottery-based program would now be dead.
Trump wants to give people that can actually contribute to the country a chance to come to the United States.
He stated, “If adopted, our plan will transform America’s immigration system into the price of our nation and the envy of the modern world.”
The plan would be a point-based system where immigrants would get points for being highly-skilled, educated, and English proficiency.
They would be given additional points for having a job offer in place upon submitting a visa application.
Most of our immigrants now are admitted through family connections (chain migration), something that has been a pet peeve of Trump and conservatives for years.
The President further stated, “We discriminate against genius.
“We discriminate against brilliance.
“We won’t anymore once we get this passed.”
No Chance
Unfortunately, Democrats are not even willing to debate the proposal.
Nancy Pelosi pretty much shrugged it off as a complete joke and professed it to be “dead-on-arrival” as soon as someone stuck a microphone in her face.
She further created a new dirty word… merit.
Pelosi stated, “I want to say something about the word that they use, ‘merit.’
“It is really a condescending word.”
So there you have it… “merit” is now a discriminating and racist word.
While Pelosi and Democrats continue to play hardball with Trump, it could very much backfire here.
Other than the bleeding hearts in this country, Americans are becoming more and more frustrated with an immigration system that is clearly broken.
They are sick and tired of illegals living on their dime and driving wages down with employers often offering them under-the-table wages that are far lower than most Americans are willing to work for.
Democrats are painting a very ugly picture of what is to come if they win the 2020 election.
All we can do is hope everyone’s head is clear and they are really digesting what Democrats are saying, because it has nothing to do with Americans and everything to do with illegals.
Source: ABC News
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