The powers that were are starting to panic after Attorney General Barr appointed U.S. Attorney Durham to look into the origins of the Russia probe.
Finger pointing between the James Comey and John Brennan camps has hit a fever pitch.
Panic Mode
The main point of contention is who it was that actually pushed for having the Steele dossier included in the intelligence assessment.
Since the fact the Steele dossier was used to secure FISA warrants was revealed, all signs pointed to James Comey being the guilty party.
New information, however, has put a major kink in that narrative and is suddenly shining a light on former CIA Director John Brennan.
There is a new email chain reportedly documenting exactly who wanted this document included.
While the emails have not yet been made public, former South Carolina Congressman Trey Gowdy was privy to some of that information during his time in the House.
Gowdy stated, “Comey has a better argument than Brennan, based on what I’ve seen.”
Trey Gowdy, who previously served as the chairman of the House Oversight Committee, actually recommended investigators dig into those emails only days before.
Finger Pointing
After Gowdy made his opinion known, the Brennan camp reached out to Fox News to offer considerable pushback on the matter.
A former CIA official contacted Fox News, stating, “Former Director Brennan, along with former [Director of National Intelligence] James Clapper, are the ones who opposed James Comey’s recommendation that the Steele dossier be included in the intelligence report.
“They opposed this because the dossier was in no way used to develop the ICA.
“The intelligence analysts didn’t include it when they were doing their work because it wasn’t corroborated intelligence, therefore it wasn’t used and it wasn’t included.
“Brennan and Clapper prevented it from being added into the official assessment.
“James Comey then decided on his own to brief Trump about the document.”
Comey’s team has yet to respond to the statement made by the former CIA official.
As bad as this is for either Comey or Brennan, it is that good for Trump.
Clearly, something hokey was going on here and even if the investigation shows a probe was warranted, one of these two individuals is now clearly guilty of having used an uncorroborated report to secure those warrants.
Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) is already demanding John Brennan be brought in to testify under oath to Congress.
Source. Fox News
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