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Gingrich Recommends Trump Focus on 2022 at CPAC, NOT 2024 Presidential Race

Rumors are flying all over the internet that Trump is going to slam Biden and claim to be the 2024 presumptive Republican nominee at CPAC this weekend.

Newt Gingrich, however, thinks that could be a mistake.

Baby Steps

Gingrich believes that Trump could show more power and strength by addressing the immediate need to gain back the House and/or Senate in 2022.

If Trump is already focused on 2024, this next election cycle could further strengthen Democrats rather than remove them from power.

Gingrich stated, “Every Republican ought to be focusing on, ‘How do we make sure that [Rep. Kevin] McCarthy is the speaker of the House and that [Sen. Mitch] McConnell is the Senate majority leader?’

“Let’s get through ’22. We’ll have lots of time to talk presidency after 2022.”

He added, “He has a wonderful opportunity here to … communicate the strength of his policies and do it in a way which is positive and appearing, and a dramatic contrast to the confusion … that seems to be the Biden standpoint.”

I agree with the premise, but I completely disagree with allowing Senator McConnell (R-KY) to continue to call the shots in the Senate for Republicans.

McConnell needs to go and his support for Merrick Garlands as the AG is proof of that.

Let’s concentrate on 2022, but let’s also identify a new Senate leader to lead Republicans into 2024 and beyond.

Source: Fox News

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